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Online Trainings (Free)

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EduHero is an online professional development website powered by Educational Service Center 6 in Huntsville. EduHero offers educators courses that range from Bloodborne Pathogens to Google training and also includes many other courses about student health and well-being.

Parents have the opportunity to create a free account in EduHero and enroll in the following free courses:

  • Child Abuse Awareness: By understanding the warning signs of child abuse, it can be stopped before any child is harmed. In this course, you will learn everything that entails as child abuse, its effects on families and victims, and your role and responsibilities as an educator in the prevention of child abuse. (Updated 2014)
  • Creando Conciencia Sobre Abuso Infantil: Si entendemos las señales del abuso infantil, le podemos poner un alto antes de que cualquier niño sea lastimado. En este curso usted va a aprender los diferentes tipos de abuso infantil, sus efectos en las familias y en las victimas, y también sus responsabilidades como maestro para la prevención del abuso de niños.
  • Mental Health, Module 1: Part one of the three part Eduhero series on Mental Health and Education identifies symptoms of five common mental health disorders: ADHD, ODD, CD, RAD, and DMDD.
  • Mental Health, Module 2: Part two of the three part Eduhero series on Mental Health and Education identifies symptoms of 8 more common mental health disorders.
  • Mental Health, Module 3: The final part of the three part Eduhero series on Mental Health and Education identifies symptoms of psychosis and suicide ideation, along with effective assessment protocols for each.
  • Workforce 101: This course provides an introduction and overview to Texas Workforce Solutions and the services they provide.