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Career and Technical Education (CTE)

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Lindsey Lillard

Director of Career & Technical Education


CTE Mission Statement

Prepare all students for success, in post-secondary education and in the 21st Century Workforce, through rigorous academic, real-world industry and leadership training.

The Career and Technical Education Department (CTE) offers high school students a real-world introduction to various industries in 10 of the 16 nationally recognized career clusters. Our CTE courses provide the academic knowledge, technical training, and employability skills necessary for success in the workforce. Students select a coherent sequence in one of the offered Career Clusters - Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Architecture & Construction, Arts, Audio-Visual Technology & Communications, Business Management & Administration, Education & Training, Finance, Health Sciences, Information Technology, Manufacturing, and Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM).

Many of these programs of study lead to an industry certification which propels them on their next steps to a post-secondary degree and makes students more marketable in the workforce. Many of our CTE students participate in competitions, showcases, and Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) that develop their leadership skills and offer scholarships for their post-secondary endeavors.