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Parent and Family Engagement

Family and community play an important role in the success of students in Rockdale ISD. As a result, that role must go beyond just involvement from our families and community - it must include ENGAGEMENT. The essential components of engagement are commitment, attention, and persistence. Rockdale ISD is doing great things throughout the district to engage the families of our students. We are raising the expectations of all stakeholders: teachers, administrators, families, and community members in this effort.

Research shows that family and community engagement has a positive effect on student success. In Rockdale, we believe that parents are partners with teachers and other staff in the education of their children and that family engagement and empowerment are essential at all levels throughout the school district. Everyone gains if school and home work together to promote high achievement by our children.

We are committed to serving the families of Rockdale. We encourage you to become an engaged partner with us to help all Rockdale ISD students reach their full potential.