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Board of Trustees

Rockdale ISD Board of Trustees

Individual pictures of 6 Rockdale ISD Board of Trustees

Continuing Education Requirements

At the April 15, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting, Board President Troy Zinn announced that under State Board of Education Rule, completing required continuing education each year of service is a basic obligation and expectation of any sitting board member.

The Board President is required to announce the name of each member who:

• Has completed the required continuing education;
• Has exceeded the required continuing education; and
• Is deficient in meeting the required continuing education.

The requirements for training are measured as of the first anniversary of the date of the trustee’s election or appointment or two-year anniversary of his or her previous training, as applicable.

Continuing Education Training Areas

There are NO Rockdale ISD Board Members deficient in meeting the required obligations and expectation of continuing education hours. All Rockdale ISD Board Members are current with
training requirements.

Board members Charles Miles, Jason Barcak, Julia Cardona, Amy Casas, Janice Keen and Karen Laughlin have completed and exceeded the required continuing education requirements.